The Broadway

ACCESS CIGAR.COM So you want a humidor but there are just so many different sizes, shapes, glass, no glass, different kinds wood, different cigar counts, etc…. etc…. etc…..Well I’ll answer that question so you can get a better idea of what would best suite your needs. Ok, so your looking for a humidor?  Well lets […]

Hello, Hector Rosa Here. Have you ever seen those big time mobster movies with the kingpin in his lavish office and sporting the smoothest of threads and smoking a cigar?  Have you ever noticed that every big time boss, or lavish millionaire and billionaire all have a high status that people respect?  Most people who have […]

Hello everyone, and especially to Accessn Cigar Nation! (AC Nation) I have seen so many smokers and especially my brother Erik destroy their cigars. They smoke cigars that end up looking like the explosive cigars Bugs Bunny gives to Elmer Fudd. The cigars end up looking like they were rubbed on concrete floors then smoked. You […]

Lasioderma serricorne, commonly known as the cigarette beetle, cigar beetle, or tobacco beetle. They are brown in color and as indicated by its common name, the cigarette/cigar beetle is a pest of tobacco. The female beetle lays around 100 eggs loosely on the commodity. The hatching larvae are the “grow bag” this stage of the insects […]

Ok AC nation I know I’ve been absent for a while but ive been rockin and rollin on the new Access Cigar Online Store.  We will be selling awesome Cigar Accessories aimed at the hard working people who make this country run.  That means discounts on great merchandise. So, lets talk about cigar sizes.  We all […]

Ok AC Nation  (Access Cigar Nation), Some of you cigar heads asked me how do you properly care for a humidor.  Well I will give you some proven tips to keep your humidor working properly and looking like a show piece.  Ok, so lets start fromthe beginning and let me educate you a little on humidors before […]

Dakota Humidor

Every cigar smoker has at least 3 accessories in his/her home.  Without accessories your cigar smoking experience would be more difficult and less enjoyable. The three must have accessories are a Cutter, Lighter and Humidor. You may get away without having a humidor and cutter but its just not right! Right? If you think ripping […]

The word “cigar” originated from sikar, the Yucatec Mayan word for smoking, which became cigarro in Spanish, probably from the Mayan sikar (“to smoke rolled tobacco leaves” – from sik, “tobacco;”) Explorer Christopher Columbus is generally credited with the introduction of tobacco to Europe. Two of Columbus’s crewmen during his 1492 journey, Rodrigo De Jerez and Luis De Torres, […]